Dear fans,
We wanted to share with you that our toplaner Aleksandar "PatkicaA" Stefanović will be benched from our LFL roster starting today. PatkicaA will remain a member of the team and will be able to continue to take an active part in this project.
With the recent performances of the LFL te , we felt that a new change was needed. And while these results are not PatkicaA's fault alone, we had to make a change somewhere. We will continue to support him and if we think he will be the best choice again in the future, we will of course call on him.
To give a new dynamic to the roster, we would like to announce the arrival of German player Daniel "Scarface" Aitbelkacem as toplaner.
Among his many qualities, Daniel has several years of experience and a great deal of energy that he will put at the service of Vitality.Bee. He is an aggressive player who likes to dominate his lane and who has a strong ability to adapt. Aged 24, he distinguished himself by winning the Prime League in 2022 with Unicorns.
The entire team will be working in bootcamp from Paris for the next two weeks. The goal: to arrive in force for the LFL Days in Nice on July 5-6.