

Team Vitality and adidas are happy to welcome you to Neo Paris with the new white Alternate Jersey, the perfect negative of the V1tal1ty Pro Jersey highlighting the recent successes of the club's teams.

The jersey is available on shop.vitality.gg

The brand new adidas 2022 Alternate Jersey, featuring the parallel universe of Neo Paris, is finally available. It is a white negative of theV1tal1ty Pro Jersey launched in May 2022. The Alternate Jersey was launched today and reflects the hidden beauty of Paris, accessible on a daily basis but yet so difficult to pin down.

Neo Paris is the hidden face of Paris, a parallel world that is always present but often overlooked. It is an alternative vision of Paris that, like a negative, remains beautiful in its own way although very different from the original. The concept of the adidas Alternate Jersey 2022 is a reflection of this Neo Paris, just as the Pro V1tal1ty Pro Jersey 2022 is a reflection of Paris.

The new design of the 2022 Alternate Jersey features twelve stars surrounding the Team Vitality logo, illustrating the progression of its teams following the launch of its Watch Us Follow Us campaign in 2022. A perfect negative of the V1tal1ty Pro Jersey, this white jersey features the same refined design as its counterpart: a blue chevron central stripe, electric yellow stripes on either side of it, and a blue collar that extends over the shoulders. Players will also sport their respective country’s flag embroidered on the left sleeve.

From September 26th

Fans can purchase the Alternate Jersey at any time starting September 26, 2022. During the mirror hours (00:00, 11:11, 22:22), Neo Paris will be unveiled and the Alternate Jersey will be transformed into an exclusive version. Indeed, during these hours, a unique pop-up window will appear on the Team Vitalit e-shop giving access to this alternative universe, revealing negative images and an exclusive flocking on the jersey. Fans will have 5 minutes to make their purchase and the time of this purchase will be printed on the jersey for an even more exclusive look. In addition, fans who purchase the jersey through this unique pop-up window will be contacted by email to participate in a unique draw and maybe win 2 tickets to the Rio Major, travel and hotel expenses included.

The Alternate Experience

To celebrate the launch of the new Alternate Jersey, Team Vitality is also organizing “The Alternate Experience” on September 28 and 29, 2022, an immersive event allowing fans to access Neo Paris. They will be able to look through the mirror and discover the parallel universe of Neo Paris while participating in escape game-type activities. The general public event will be reserved for V.Hive pass holders.

The last jersey before celebrating Team Vitality's 10th anniversary, the 2022 Alternate Jersey celebrates Team Vitality's evolution and its entry into a new era. It highlights the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and research, and projects us towards a future that looks bright.