Vincent Berrié AKA


FR - 21 years old


Vincent ‘Vetheo’ Berrié is Team Vitality’s midlaner. Vetheo is an incredibly motivated and determined player. His relentless pursuit of excellence and highly mechanical style of play saw him named MVP at the LEC Spring Split in 2022. His mastery of the game is unquestionable after his impressive soloQ performances, having already reached rank 1 on the EUW server last February.

Outside the server, Vetheo remains a great competitor at heart. He has a great sporting background – having already practised athletics and table tennis. He also enjoys board games and poker, which again demonstrates his love of challenge and strategy. A big anime fan, Vetheo draws inspiration from characters like Killua from Hunter x Hunter, whose traits of loyalty and strength reflect his own esport background.

This season, Vetheo and his team will continue to push the boundaries of LEC gaming!